Masquerade for the Stacks
More InformationMasquerade for the Stacks is the premiere fundraising event of the year for the smart and savvy Grosse Pointe community!
The Grosse Pointe Library Foundation invites sponsors and guests to enjoy an elegant evening of cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, plated dinner with wine, entertainment and an auction all in celebration of literacy and community.

Our fourth annual (in-person) fundraising event will be held at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House on Thursday, October 6. We hope you can join us for a festive evening of food and fun in a beautiful setting!

This year we honored the memory of longtime GPPL supporter and GPLF board member, George R. McMullen, Jr.

Mask or Aid for the Stacks 2020 was the first ever non-event fundraiser for the Grosse Pointe Public Library.

The second annual fundraising event was held at the Country Club of Detroit to celebrate the power of the Library to bring our community together!

The inaugural fundraising event was held at the Country Club of Detroit and was more than a festive and elegant evening.